President              Susan Dimm, Barn Hill Pottery

Vice President     Amy Tagliaferri, The Cape Cod Chronicle

Secretary              Sharon Mabile, Robert Paul Real Estate

Treasurer             Darci Sequin, Gibson | Sotheby’s International  


Janice Rogers, Chatham Living By The Sea

Heather McGrath, Simpler Pleasures

Steve Wardle/Whitney Knowlton-Wardle, Forest Beach Designer- Goldsmiths

Chris Smith, Cape Cod Tree and Landscape, Inc.

Fred Bierwirth, Chatham Works

Ashley Hansen, Hansen Business Solutions

Shane Coughlin, Chatham Wayside Inn

Rob Carroll, Chatham Candy Manor

Shane Masaschi, Kinlin Grover Real Estate

Karen Marjollet, Chatham Squire

Ignacio Mortell, Chatham Orpheum Theater

Mary Cavanaugh, Chatham Chamber of Commerce

CMA Representative to the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors:

Susan DimmBarn Hill Pottery

Becky Voelkel, MAHI Gold President Ex-Offici

The Chatham Merchants Association is a group of interested businesses within the Chatham Chamber of Commerce whose purpose is to promote the common interest of its retail members in the development of business in the Town of Chatham. 

According to the bylaws, the membership of the Association consists of no fewer than twelve business firms and the business must be a member of the Chatham Chamber of Commerce to belong.  Click here for Chatham Merchants Association By-Law.

The term "business firm" is defined as any business enterprise within the Town of Chatham, however organized, whose activities result in either seasonal or year-round employment of one or more persons.

The Chatham Merchants Association Board of Directors Meetings are open to all CMA members.  Meetings are held on on the first and third Thursday of each month at 8:30 am at the Chatham Community Center.

CMA Membership dues are $70 per year in addition to the chamber dues. 

Click here for Membership Application. 

Click here for the Chatham Chamber of Commerce Dues Structure.